Hello guys!

As you know, the last week was characterized because it was a free week, it means days off… yes, it was spring break at Univerity of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign. Maybe most of you traveled outside, close or far from Champaign-Urbana. In my case, I stayed here because I had some responsabilities to comply, but it does not mean that such time was sort of boring. Do you know why? Ok, I never told you but I have been working in Peru since 2008. Why do I mention it? Because precisely since 2014 I didn’t take a whole week just for relaxing. I’ve been working hard without vacation time. In my country, specially in my field, construction engineering, it is quiet different because the company pays you in advance for vacation time, it means that you don’t have a real “vacation” because you’re still working. Even before coming to the United States I’ve been working until January 13, 2017. So, after three years I can say that it was the first week I have enough time for me and I enjoyed it so much.

Okay so, how was my spring break? Well, I decided to stay at home because I had a TOEFL test on March 25th, but it didn’t imply that I got bored. For sure, I was studying every day specially during morning and part of the afternoon. Also, I have to say that the most amazing thing is that I learned to cook! – Peruvian food is so delicious –  besides I started going to ARC to work out as I used to do it in Peru. There, I met new people and friends who as me, stayed on campus for this spring break. I looked up my cardio skills to run during 30 minutes. Also, I played volleyball – my favorite sport – and tried to do new sports like basketball, swimming, badmington and climbing. I was calling my family and friends in Peru every day, I remembered that I also spoke Spanish, yeah!. I was watching lot of movies and documental episodes of my interest on Netflix. I was walking a lot and doing shopping. I’m catholic so, for me go to mass is very important and I did it. I tried twice English masses, of course, I felt like lost at the first attempt because the Gospel and everything was in English but I really enjoyed. I discovered my essence again and I got connected with myself. It’s something that I was missing because during January and February my lifestyle was totally conversed. 

I think, one of the most spectacular things in the educational american system is that this period of vacation called “spring break” helps the student to take a breath and get a boost. It exactly happened with me. So, I hope you have got an wonderful time wherever you spent your days off. It’s nice to see you again guys. Let’s go for the second part of the semester.

Good Luck,

– Abel.